Case Study: How 2i Testing Found Their Senior Business Development Manager
We know it’s important to learn how our services have helped other organisations and how they overcame the challenges they were faced with when trying to find the perfect person to join their company. Managing Consultant Liam Anderson worked with 2i Testing on a retained basis to help them find their ideal Business Development Manager.
There are numerous reasons as to why a client works with us on a retained basis. Some hires take more time, effort, and skill, and need a robust approach. Maybe the position is particularly challenging or the role is a critical hire. In this case, the role was a critical hire as the Business Development Manager would be the first man on the ground in England, as Liam says below, and it was a time-sensitive situation. As our services were retained by the client, there was no doubt in Liam’s mind that this placement would be made efficiently and to a high standard, and it’s at absolutely no extra cost to the client.
Here’s what Liam said about the hire…
Why was the hire important?
This role was effectively a first man on the ground opportunity within England, specifically targeting the Financial Services market. This individual would be the sales focal point within the organization and would have a strong focus on developing and executing on the businesses go-to-market strategy.
What was the main challenge?
The client needed candidates strong in the Software Testing/ Bespoke Services space, but, also required a person with the right level of seniority and with experience in creating and growing sales teams. Someone of a high calibre with an exceptional track record of success.
How did 2i Testing and ESP tackle this together?
It was critical that the 2i team found the right calibre of individual but didn’t have the time to interview multiple applicants. They required a strong shortlist of highly qualified candidates within a 2-4 week period. The retained assignment meant that they had assurances from ESP that this deadline would be met and we would vet the candidates to an incredibly high standard.
What was the outcome?
We filled the role within 3 weeks, finding 4 suitable people, with 2 making it to the final stage. The 2i team had a very difficult decision to make between the two candidates, but, ultimately decided on the person they felt would be a brilliant culture fit and would help take the business to a new level.
Did you know that around 50% of the candidates we place are not actively looking? These are top salespeople in the game, and these are the people we usually place with companies that have retained our services. Here are some other reasons why organisations might consider using our retainer service…
- Premium service
- We own the problem for you
- Agreed timescale for delivery of well suited candidates
- Regular feedback and reports on search progress
- Processes are slicker resulting in a quicker process
- Candidates experience is more enjoyable
- We don’t stop searching for candidates until we fill the role
- Additional information and insights provided
- All at no extra cost. A % of the placement fee is paid on commencement of project and deducted from the fee once the role’s been filled.